
Sustainability is good and certification is better as it is of great concern to Kampmann that retail chains in particular can adorn their buildings with the GreenBuilding certificate.

The heating, cooling and ventilation specialist was the first German manufacturer to be awarded the ‘Endorser in GreenBuilding’ title by the EU Commission, obliging the company to provide its customers with individual energy-optimised building concepts. In the spotlight, first and foremost, are retails chains -Kampmann refrigerant-free air conditioning and heating using waste heat from chillers meet the requirement for sustainable use of energy. The building concept tailored by the Lingen-based company to every market requirements corresponds to EU GreenBuilding standard. Buildings must have 25% less primary energy consumption than required by the statutory legislation of the respective EU members states.

If the recommended building concept is implemented, Kampmann is justified in proposing the building as a GreenBuilding. The technique put forward by the Lingen-based company has already helped some stores to achieve certification. Working in cooperation with ASP Projektsteuerung in Lähden, the issue of optimised building shells is also considered. Further stores are being implemented across