
The Crown Trade Timonox range of flame retardant coatings has been specified in the redecoration of the Victoria Centre, a development of 640 tenanted flats, managed by Nottingham City Homes. More than 21 miles of corridor, as well as communal staircases and the entrance foyer, were refurbished at the scheme, located above the Victoria Shopping Centre in Nottingham City Centre.

The essential requirement of the redecoration programme was to achieve the Class 0 rating (as defined in section B2 of approved document B of the UK Building Regulations) needed for circulation areas and escape routes.

To determine what was required to bring the communal areas in line with the legislation, Nottingham City Homes took advantage of Crown Trade’s specification service. The service includes careful assessment of existing paintwork to create a personalised technical specification. Crown Trade Timonox Acrylic Eggshell was used throughout in order to slow the potential spread of flame in the event of a fire, giving residents and staff extra time to evacuate.

Alan Crawford, planned maintenance surveyor at Nottingham City Homes, commented: “The Crown Trade Timonox system was selected for the Victoria Centre due to its proven ability to deliver exceptional protection against flame spread and to provide a durable, high quality finish.”

He continued: “Throughout the specification and redecoration process, experts from Crown Trade were on hand to offer support and advice to make sure we created a safe living environment for residents, and fulfilled our obligations within the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order.”

Nottingham City Homes is the Arms Length Management Organisation (ALMO) that manages Nottingham City Council’s rented and leasehold homes. Nottingham City Homes is responsible for the day-to-day management of approximately 29,000 homes and looks after services such as rent collection and the management of tenancies. They are also responsible for approximately 1,000 leasehold properties.