
High electric rates force business owners in Puerto Rico to constantly seek new ways to contain energy costs. However, Puerto Rico’s hurricane-force winds and moisture levels present challenges for the installation of solar panel arrays. Florida-based WES Industries was able to help Mini Warehouse of Carolina, Puerto Rico, successfully move ahead in its efforts to save on energy costs. Mini Warehouse took advantage of a tax incentive to install 768 solar power modules on over 25,000ft² of roof area. With the help of attachment solutions developed by S-5!, the contractor was able to effectively retrofit an existing metal storage facility with a 130kW weapon in the battle against high electricity costs.

S-5-PV kits provided the strength the project demanded and the ease-of-installation WES Industries required. “We were working so fast and efficiently that our client asked us to teach another crew on an adjacent project about S-5! clamps and how to use them,” said Ben Quartermaine of WES Industries.

The use of the S-5-PV kits led to a fast and economical transition to solar technology. The contractor was able to complete the installation at just 25% of the cost of other solar attachment systems, all with strength to withstand hurricane-force winds and requiring no holes in the original roof panels which can cause leaks. The S-5-PV kit utilizes a patented clamp that grips the seam of the roof without piercing it. That means no leaks and the preservation of the manufacturer’s warranty, yet it can provide the required wind uplift resistance resulting from 145mph wind speeds.

You can review the entire S-5! product line by visiting the company’s website.