
BIM & More and Polantis are pioneers in the domain of digitised building techniques and notably in the area of BIM (Building Information Modelling). The Austrian and French companies have been providing services to leading AEC manufactures for over ten years.

An innovative high-added value PIM system

In perfect symbiosis, BIM & More and Polantis combine their mutual strengths in order to revolutionise the PIM to BIM channel

PIM (Product Information Management) is the process of gathering crucial data about a construction product or material. Every AEC manufacturer today has some level of PIM available. Thanks to the innovative PIM Single Source Data Managment devised by BIM & More and Polantis manufacturers can now transmit their product data to all of their specifiers in real-time without re-typing data and with no buffers.

How does it Work?

Polantis architect and founder Itaï Cellier explains: “Today, thanks to the collaboration between BIM & More and Polantis all of our clients can benefit from a REAL Single-Source system: They can change any product data directly on their database (be it on their own servers or on Polantis Cloud Solutions) and the change in data will appear instantly on the screens of any of their specifiers using Polantis plug-in for BIM software solutions.”

Thus, the AEC manufacturer is assured that with a single click, he can update all of its specifiers of any change in properties, performances, classifications etc of any of its commercialised products. The data flow from manufacturer to end user is uninterrupted. No intermediary agents, no need to copy data into an external cloud service, no delays.

Celliers adds: “To my knowledge, we’re the only ones to propose such extensive PIM solution.”

This novelty is of immense importance as it will eventually ensure that BIM models will constantly be up to date with the latest version of data coming directly from the manufacturers. The era of errors, omissions and outdated data on BIM models has come to an end.

BIM&More CEO and founder Matthias Uhl says: “The natural cooperation between Polantis and BIM & More represents a huge improvement for our clients: A truly single-sourced BIM data management – Extremely time and cost efficient and above all – knowing that your objects are always up to date on your specifiers workstations. This new breed of powerful BIM data management opens new horizons for AEC manufacturers and gives them a great competitive edge.”