Veidekke has secured a design-and-build contract to transform an office building in Oslo’s city centre into approximately 100 student bedsits with common areas.  

Commissioned by The Anker Foundation, the contract is worth Nkr163m ($15.28m), excluding VAT. 

The Anker Foundation managing director Svein Hov Skjelle said: “This will be a nice addition to our portfolio of 1,800 student housing in central Oslo.  

“Because the housing situation for students in Oslo is more demanding than ever, we choose to start this project even though the project finances are challenging.” 

The building, located on Platous gate and originally constructed in 1964, spans approximately 6,000m² over six floors and basements. 

Under the contract, Veidekke will insulate the external walls, replace all windows, extend the sixth floor, and construct two private roof terraces alongside a communal terrace.  

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The refurbished structure will feature student bedsits from the second to sixth floors, with commercial and hospitality spaces on the ground floor, and a common room for students. 

In the basement area, facilities will include technical rooms, bike parking, laundry storage, a gym, a cinema room for residents, and other storage areas.  

Veidekke Oslo department manager Rune Andersstuen said: “There is a great need for student housing in Oslo, so this is a construction project that will have a great impact in the years to come.  

“We are very pleased to have been selected to convert a somewhat worn office building into a state-of-the-art block of bedsits with common amenities. We would like to thank The Anker Foundation for the commission.” 

Construction is expected to commence shortly, with completion anticipated in 2025. The project will be included in Veidekke’s second-quarter 2024 order book. 

This announcement comes after Veidekke’s subsidiary Grande Entreprenør finalised a design-and-build contract to build a new Stiklestad school in Norway earlier this month.