The UK’s government will extend the continuation of the Conformité Européenne (CE) mark acceptance for construction products, Secretary of State for Building Safety and Homelessness Rushanara Ali has said.

According to existing government guidelines, CE mark recognition will cease in June 2025.

In a statement to the country’s parliament, the minister said that the extension comes as a response to the Independent Review of the Construction Products Testing Regime, which highlighted a potential shortfall in domestic assessment capabilities if CE recognition were terminated.

She said: “This was clear that there is currently insufficient testing and certification capacity in the UK alone to provide the volume of conformity assessment that would be required were CE recognition to end.

“We are also clear that ending recognition of CE marking without reforming the domestic regime would create trade barriers and negatively affect the supply of products that meet recognised standards.”

The decision was also influenced by the ongoing Grenfell Tower Inquiry, which has exposed gaps in the regulation of critical construction materials.

These materials fall under construction product regulations that require conformity assessments and the application of CE or UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marks prior to being placed on the market.

Before implementing comprehensive reforms, Ali said that the government will review recommendations from the forthcoming Grenfell Inquiry report.

Plans are also in place to work with UKCA Bodies and industry participants to strengthen the domestic market for conformity assessment services.

To maintain supply chain continuity, any additional modifications to CE mark recognition will be introduced with at least a two-year transition period, she said.

The move is part of a broader initiative to overhaul the regulatory framework governing construction products, aiming to ensure safety and quality in future housing and infrastructure projects.

Late last month, UK Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner introduced the New Homes Accelerator programme to speed up the delivery of stalled housing sites.