Strabag’s subsidiary Strabag Rail, in consortium with Czech partner OHL ŽS, has been awarded a €106m contract to upgrade 9.6km section of track from Dětmarovice to the Polish border in the Czech Republic.

Under the contract, the team will modernise an approximately 9.6km long section of track with six-level crossings from Dětmarovice to Petrovice u Karviné on the state border with Poland. The client is the Czech railway infrastructure authority Správa železnic.

The consortium will be responsible for substructure restoration and track renewal. It will also upgrade and install platforms with barrier-free access and renovate bridge structures.

The scope of work also includes the modernisation and replacement of the technical infrastructure including safety, signalling and power installations, electric switch heating, lighting and overhead lines.

Strabag said in a statement: “The modernisation will bring the railway line up to the state-of-the-art, shortening travel times, increasing passenger comfort and safety, and providing barrier-free access.”

Additionally, the consortium will rehabilitate the Závada–Koukolná section over a length of 1.1km with sustainability.

Strabag has a 66.5% share in the consortium, which has already commenced work on the modernisation project.

Planned to be completed in 29 months, the project is co-financed by the EU under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).

Strabag CEO Thomas Birtel said: “As the second-largest construction company in the Czech Republic, STRABAG is a reliable and sought-after partner for the modernisation and further development of the country’s transportation infrastructure, both in railway and road construction.

“Among other things, we are currently modernising the 11km long Soběslav–Doubí rail section as well as a 12km long section between Oldřichov u Duchcova and Bílina.”

Strabag team will upgrade 9.6km section of track in Czech Republic. (Credit: STRABAG SE)