Story Contracting has been appointed by the Cumbria County Council to deliver redevelopment works at Carlisle Railway Station in the UK.

The company has been appointed to deliver the design and build elements for the northern gateway part of the redevelopment project.

These works will be delivered on behalf of the Cumbria County Council with Carlisle City Council, Avanti West Coast, Network Rail and Carlisle LEP.

The scope of work on the northern gateway includes partial pedestrianisation of Court Square, and the station entrance will be enhanced to provide easy access to ticket purchasing facilities.

These enhancements will help to reduce vehicular movements to the northern part of the station as well as Court Square, improving the connectivity to the city centre.

Simultaneously, Story Contracting’s Rail division is renewing the station platforms on behalf of Network Rail.

The company stated that the project is one of the first projects within the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal to be funded.

It will also include junction improvements at Water Street, Victoria Viaduct / James Street, Crown Street and Court Square Brow to improve access to the station, particularly for pedestrians.

Story Contracting Construction managing director Emma Porter said: “We’re delighted to have been chosen to deliver part of the transformative project at Carlisle Railway Station, which will bring long lasting benefits to the whole of Carlisle and make the city an outstanding place to live, work and visit for many years to come.

“This is a very exciting time for Carlisle, with huge opportunities presented for the city through funding from the Borderlands Inclusive Growth Deal, as well as the Towns Fund.

“The Carlisle Railway Station redevelopment is the first step in unlocking some of our potential economically, culturally and environmentally, and supporting further investment and job prospects in Carlisle.”


Rendering of the Carlisle Railway Station in Cumbria, UK. Credit: Story Contracting.