Skanska has been awarded an additional contract concerning the construction of North Carolina (NC) State University’s integrative sciences building (ISB) in Raleigh, US.

The building will have science, technology, engineering, and mathematics facilities.

This additional contract, valued at $106m, will be added to Skanksa’s US order bookings in the fourth quarter of this year.

The project commenced in September this year and is scheduled for completion in September 2026.

The 15,300m² development will have classrooms, a café, research core facilities, as well as study areas.

The new building will be environmentally friendly, with a focus on chemistry, biochemistry, and biotechnology.

It will house the Integrative Sciences Undergraduate Curriculum, featuring two floors of instructional labs and a ‘mega lab’ on the first floor.

The building’s second floor will have advanced teaching labs while floors three to five will be home to the Integrative Sciences Initiative research programme.

The site is expected to be Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold-certified.

The ISB will also revamp the Brickyard, which is a hub of activity on the university’s North Campus.

In April 2018, the company signed a contract with NC State University for the construction of an engineering building at the NC State Centennial campus.

Recently, Skanska entered a contract with Nye Veier for the E6 Berkåk-Vindåsliene motorway project in Trøndelag County, Norway.