Shropshire Council’s Northern Planning Committee has approved plans for the partial destruction of the Riverside shopping centre in Shrewsbury’s town centre, UK.
With this approval, partial demolition will be carried out at units 2 and 44-48 in the centre, as well as the destruction of the former police station and the pedestrian walkway canopy.
Works are planned to be carried out later this year.
The demolition is expected to allow essential ground investigation work needed for the council’s Smithfield Riverside regeneration master plan.
The Smithfield Riverside project will involve the regeneration of the Darwin Centre, Roushill and the River Severn around the town centre area.
It is expected to develop a modern, mixed-use destination by reconnecting the underused area of Shrewsbury to the town centre.
RivingtonHark is serving as the development manager for the project while Arup is its multidisciplinary engineer.
FaulknerBrowns Architects will lead the master plan design whereas Counter Context will be responsible for stakeholder engagement for the project.
Shropshire Council cabinet member for economic growth and regeneration Mark Jones said: “Today is an important and necessary first step that will enable us to fully explore and understand this unique development site, with the findings ensuring the design team create a master plan that is big on ambition but is also completely achievable.
“We anticipate work starting later this year, and will continue to liaise very closely with the Riverside centre’s existing tenants and other key stakeholders within the community to ensure the programme can move forward at pace, while also causing minimal disturbance to the wider town centre.”