Privately held company Rival Holdings has successfully completed the acquisition of Laux Construction, a general contractor based in Michigan, US.

The financial details of the transaction have not been disclosed, which officially closed earlier this month.

The acquisition by Rival is expected to generate significant operational synergies, bringing together Laux’s local expertise and Rival’s approach to construction.

Laux, with more than 25 years of experience serving the Lansing area, has built a portfolio that spans various sectors, including education, healthcare, industrial, and commercial projects.

The company has experienced steady growth since its inception in 1996 by founder David Laux.

Among Laux Construction’s recent projects are the Michigan Department of Natural Resources Legacy Parkway, the Capital Area Transportation Authority Multimodal Gateway, and the new Michigan Virtual University building.

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With nearly 40 skilled professionals on board, Laux’s team will benefit from the additional resources and stability provided by Rival.

Rival, launched in 2023, has also assembled a team with strong industry skills. The company allows clients to pursue disruptive technologies and techniques.

Rival CEO Brad Crawford said: “We have been searching for a strong partner in the commercial construction industry, and we are thrilled to welcome Laux Construction to the Rival team.

“The industry is on a growth trajectory, and Laux has demonstrated strong momentum while maintaining a positive reputation for quality and service. They will be an important part of our strategy to impact the built environment.”

The deal was advised by Generational Group managing director Don Ho, with support from its vice-president Lance Thomasson.