Norfolk County Council has chosen consultancy and construction company Mace as the main contractor for its £12m ($15.3m) multi-use community hub project in King’s Lynn, UK.

Mace will transform the property at 46 New Conduit Street into a flagship location in the town comprising a new library, flexible spaces for clubs and community organisations, workplaces, and adult learning facilities.

The project is being funded through King’s Lynn’s Town Deal, which is offering £7.4m towards the development, with Norfolk County Council providing £5m.

The project’s design team is focused on incorporating sustainability throughout the project. The team is committed to creating a low-carbon building by minimising energy and water consumption demands by implementing sustainable materials and interventions such as photovoltaic solar panels and blue roofs.

Norfolk County Council cabinet member for Communities and Partnerships Margaret Dewsbury said: “The appointment of a contractor is a key step which will allow the project to progress quickly to enable us to better serve the residents of King’s Lynn.

“It follows a successful purchase of the building by the County Council, where the new hub will be located, and leads us nicely into the next stage of design.

“Mace have delivered modern projects for us recently, including some of the refurbishment[s] of County Hall, and we are looking forward to working with them on this transformative project.”