
Mitsubishi Electric has delivered 15 elevators and 36 escalators, including 12 of its spiral escalators, to Shanghai New World Daimaru department store in China.

Inazawa Works of Mitsubishi Electric, Japan, manufactured the spiral escalators and see-through observation elevators for the new, 12-floor commercial facility, which is set to open in May.

China’s Shanghai Mitsubishi Elevator manufactured the other elevators, as well as the escalator units.

According to Mitsubishi, the spiral escalators have been installed in the central atrium to serve six floors of the department store.

They have a sophisticated design and give passengers the feeling of gliding through the air, the company claims.

Mitsubishi Electric engineers invented a center shift method by moving the centre of the circle the escalator rotates around in response to the degree of gradient.

"They have a sophisticated design and give passengers the feeling of gliding through the air."

This method provides a steady rotational movement along with the vertical ascension.

Spiral escalators can achieve smooth movement due to their chains, which are specially designed for the system and can respond to various angles of motion.

Rails and handrails have been made for optimal flexibility, with processing techniques and a final processing accuracy of 0.1mm.

Mitsubishi Electric initially developed the spiral escalator in 1985 and has since delivered 103 units to customers in Japan and across the world.

Image: Elevators and spiral escalators. Photo: courtesy of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.