New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting has given final siting permits to Riverhead Solar 2 and Morris Ridge Solar Energy Center.

Riverhead Solar 2 will be a 36MW solar power facility in Riverhead, Suffolk County and Morris Ridge Solar Energy Center will be a 177MW solar project combined with 83MW battery energy storage in Mount Morris, Livingston County.

Once operational, these two solar power facilities are estimated to generate enough power to supply electricity to more than 46,000 New York households while offsetting over 208,000 metric tonnes of carbon emissions per year.

The two projects once built will help to advance New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s aim to obtain 70% of the state’s electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

The facilities to be constructed are expected to create more than 430 temporary and full-time jobs and inject more than $200m in private investment to support the state’s economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic.

New York State assembly member and Assembly Energy Committee chairman Michael Cusick said: “Today’s announcement regarding the final permitting for the Riverhead Solar 2, LLC and the Morris Ridge Solar Energy Center, LLC solar electric and battery storage facilities marks the fastest large-scale renewable energy project siting in New York State history.

“These facilities, which have been strongly supported by the communities which will be housing them, will not only provide renewable energy for tens of thousands of homes but they will also play a crucial role as we continue to work towards achieving the goals of the CLCPA.

“Every renewable energy project across our state brings us one step closer to meeting our goals and creating the clean energy grid of the future.”


New York government issues siting permits to Riverhead Solar 2 and Morris Ridge Solar Energy Center. Credit: PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay.