McDermott’s subsidiary CB&I Storage Solutions business has secured a contract to build a second LNG storage tank at the Philippines LNG import and regasification terminal, named Philippines LNG (PLNG), in Batangas Bay, Philippines.

The project developer Atlantic Gulf and Pacific Company of Manila (AG&P) has awarded the contract.

The scope of work under the contract involves the engineering, procurement and construction of a second 60,000m3 full containment steel LNG tank and a 1,200m3 shop-fabricated double wall LNG bullet.

CB&I Storage Solutions will also be responsible for geotechnical investigation, soil improvement, foundation and topside platform structure, pre-commissioning, purging, and commissioning activities.

CB&I Storage Solutions senior vice-president Cesar Canals said: “Our fabrication facility in Thailand specializes in the production of prefabricated storage solutions and will build the LNG bullet for delivery to Batangas.”

The company is planning to complete the mechanical work on LNG bullet in the first quarter of next year and the second LNG storage tank in the second quarter of 2024.

It secured the contract for first LNG storage tank for the PLNG project in April this year.

AG&P project director Roeland Uytdewilligen said: “It has been a privilege to work in close coordination with CB&I Storage Solutions on the unique design of the first full containment steel LNG tank.

“They continue to be our preferred partner for the development of the second LNG storage tank for our PLNG facility, the first LNG import and regasification terminal in the Philippines.”

The PLNG is currently under construction and will have an initial capacity to deliver up to three million tonnes per annum (MTPA) of regasified LNG along with extra capacity for liquid distribution.


CB&I Storage Solutions to build a second LNG storage tank in Philippines. Credit: LEEROY Agency from Pixabay.