NCC has revealed that the Mariestad correctional facility project in Sweden is now progressing into the production phase.  

The construction company is building the project, which is part of a strategic framework agreement with Specialfastigheter signed in 2019.  

The Mariestad correctional facility is an investment by the Swedish Prison and Probation Service to address the growing demand for prison spaces in the country.  

The project is expected to include an additional Skr250m ($23.48m) beyond the initial Skr900m that was announced in 2022. 

NCC Building Sweden head Niklas Sparw said: “Correctional facilities comprise large projects in which many societal functions must be contained within a limited area, which requires careful planning and advanced logistics.  

“NCC always strives for synergies in our various assignments and brings valuable experience from projects similar to the Mariestad facility.” 

The latest announcement follows a period of joint design and planning with Specialfastigheter and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service.  

Set to be a closed institution, the facility will consist of three buildings, each housing 48 cells.  

Construction of the building is anticipated to be completed in early 2027. 

The additional funds for the Mariestad project will be recorded in the second quarter of 2024 under the NCC Building Sweden business area.  

This month, NCC has also entered into a long-term strategic partnership with LKAB, focusing on construction initiatives in the Malmfälten region of the country.

LKAB is preparing for what is anticipated to be one of the largest industrial projects in the country’s history.