Gloucestershire County Council in the UK has selected construction and infrastructure services firm Kier to deliver phase one of its Quayside regeneration scheme.

Under the project, worth more than £15m, Kier will be responsible for designing a multi-purpose three-storey building comprising two GP surgeries serving around 17,500 patients, a pharmacy, office space and parking.

Scheduled for completion in early 2021, the project will be located adjacent to the new Quayside house development, and marks the first step in the wider regeneration of the Blackfriars area.

Kier Regional Building Central Gloucester office operations director Andy Bolas said: “We are delighted to have been appointed to deliver Quayside House.

“This achievement builds on our existing relationship working on the Gloucestershire County Council Framework where we have successfully completely over 50 projects in the past 15 years.”

Separately, Kier has been selected for Lot 2 of the connected contractor framework, valued more than £10m.

The framework will deliver new build accommodation as well as care schemes, regeneration schemes along with community, retail and commercial buildings.

Over the next four years, the overall the connected contractor framework is valued up to £300m. The framework is owned by The Connected Partnership, which is a consortium of Octavia Housing, Origin Housing and Shepherds Bush Housing Group.

Kier London & South East regional building managing director Cliff Thomas said: “Our appointment to this framework is significant for us as it supports our vision to grow our residential sector with a strategic focus on housing associations and affordable / mixed-tenure projects.

“The Connected Framework provides us with an opportunity to work with several influential Registered Providers and is a fantastic conduit to exciting projects and relationships.”

Illustration of Quayside regeneration scheme in the UK. (Credit: Kier Group PLC)