Hill International has secured a contract from Indian Oil Corporation (IOCL) to provide project management consultancy services for its new $275m research campus in Faridabad, India.
Indian Oil Technology Development and Deployment Center, the new research campus will occupy 60 acres of land, adding to the oil and gas company’s current research and development facility.
Opened in 1972, the present R&D facility lacks space for further expansion and with the company’s growing research interests, more space is necessary to conduct a wide range of scientific experiments critical to the company’s future business prospects.
Indian Oil Corporation envisions that the new R&D centre will surpass global standards in terms of occupational health and safety along with environmental sustainability.
The total built-up area of the new R&D centre will be about 194,554m².
The campus will include a centre for alternative and renewable energy, a nanotechnology centre, industrial laboratories for the study of carbon nanotubes/batteries, biotechnology, pipelines, petrochemicals, catalysts, and applied metallurgy, refinery infrastructure, along with commercialisation and demonstration units.
Additionally, it will feature recreational, administrative, dining, and utility facilities.
Hill will offer its project management consultancy services via an engineering procurement, construction and commissioning (EPCC) contract, which will be executed in 41 months.
Hill International Middle East regional president Abdo Kardous said: “We’re excited to begin work on this large-scale project. In particular, it will be a rewarding challenge to meet the sustainability goals of the IOCL’s new campus.”
IOC aims that the project should achieve a LEED v4 Platinum rating and Hill has to review and confirm all the elements that contribute to the target LEED score.
The elements include building orientation and zoning, incident solar radiation, solar shading during solstices and equinoxes, open-space shading, daylight simulation, and site computational fluid dynamics, especially during Monsoon season.
Hill will also support in executing the environmentally friendly aspects of the project during the construction.
Hill CEO Raouf Ghali said: “It is a great honour to have been entrusted with the Indian Oil Technology Development and Deployment Center. Indian Oil Corporation’s selection reflects a global trust in our abilities to successfully deliver complex and technically innovative projects.
“Hill also takes great pride in helping to support ambitiously green projects. And we hope to paradigmatically demonstrate with the completion of this project our regional excellence in India.”
Hill wins role on IOCL’s $275m research campus in India. (Credit: Pixabay/Goodward cc.)