HGA, a design firm, and Boldt, a US-based construction company, have collaborated and designed the Strategic Temporary Acuity-Adaptable Treatment Mod (STAAT Mod), a critical care solution to address the shortage of hospital beds due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Boldt has agreed to build the STAAT Mods and will immediately distribute them across the nation. The companies claim that the STAAT Mod can be deployed across diverse environments from convention centres to free-standing hospital expands.

The designers also focused on the safety of healthcare workers treating the patients with COVID-19.

HGA and Boldt have partnered with Tweet/Garot, Faith Technologies and IMEG to provide the STAAT Mod solution.

The modular units can be configured for the applications. The first is a two-room isolation unit for use in an interior shelter, such as in a convention centre and this unit can be deployed quickly from the point of order.

The second is an eight-bed unit of critical care isolation rooms consisting of four two-bed modules designed to connect to a hospital or existing structure.

The third is a 12-bed unit of negative-pressure open-bays that include four three-bed open bay modules connected to a support spine. Several additional self-sustaining tiers can be added to this module.

Multiple independent modules can also be connected to each other or to a hospital with segregated spaces for patient care and healthcare workers. Such units can allow for additional capacity to be added or re-deployed at sites where there is a higher need.

The new STAAT Mod is touted to be on the only temporary care unit that can be deployed quickly, offering hospital-level care to patients suffering from COVID-19.

HGA national healthcare practice leader Kurt Spiering said: “The STAAT Mod answers the escalating demand for more treatment space.

“This engineered, modular design of hospital-level care environments puts the safety of the patient and healthcare worker first while still accomplishing speed and capacity of other solutions.”

The STAAT Mod’s design was developed and tested using Virtual Reality (VR) simulation exercises. It can offer hospital-level clinical care to control infections, patients can be isolated, while offering access to life-saving technology. The mods can also be used as isolation rooms for extended periods.

The mods can be pre-fabricated for speed, quality and are claimed to cost significantly less than conventional construction.

The HGA and Boldt also stated that the STAAT Mod meets the US Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) guidelines for offering immediate critical care.

The Boldt Company chief operating officer Dave Kievet said: “Building in a controlled environment allows us to set and achieve aggressive production schedules that improve quality for the end user and maintain safety for our team members. By standardizing the process we can increase speed to market and help save lives.”


Image: Rendering of the STAAT Mods. (Credit: HGA.)