Granite Construction has secured a contract for the retrofit of off-site infrastructure at Ontario International Airport’s east-end runway in California, US.  

The $25m contract was awarded by McDonald Property Group. 

The project, included in Granite’s first-quarter (Q1) Capital Allocation Plan, will facilitate the construction of nine logistics buildings, encompassing a total of 4.263 million square feet.

Granite project executive Todd Besant said: “Granite was selected as a partner for this project based on our qualifications and our ability to meet the needs of the owner. 

“We are leveraging our national resources to meet their accelerated schedule and deliver the first four buildings to market in Q2 2025.” 

Granite’s responsibilities include the upsizing and retrofitting of domestic water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage systems.  

The scope of the project also extends to the construction of a newly reclaimed waterline, fire service lines, and dry utility systems. 

Granite regional operations vice-president Bill Moore said: “This project aligns with the Desert Cities Region’s strategic plan by expanding our geographical footprint into the Inland Empire and diversifying our project mix with an anchor project. 

“We recently opened an area office with views of this project to further push our home market strategy.” 

The project is expected to begin next month, with Granite’s portion anticipated to be completed in August 2025.  

Earlier this year, Granite was subcontracted for the US Washington State Department of Transportation and Sound Transit’s motorway project.