UK-based construction firm Graham has secured a contract to build a new wharf and make land upgrades to secure the Port of Dundee’s future in offshore renewable energy and North Sea Oil and Gas projects.

The wharf and land development will support the work that has been already completed at the port during 2018-19.

The works are part of Port of Dundee’s £40m investment programme to redevelop the port.

Graham will build the new wharf and will prepare and upgrade 15 hectares of land for the emerging energy transition sector. The 15 hectares of land is equivalent to 20 full-size football pitches.

The existing Caledon East Warf in the port is being replaced by a new heavy-lift quay, which will be capable of roll-on/off operations as well as the conventional lift on/off.

The Prince Charles Wharf, which has been in service from the last 45 years, is also being upgraded.

Upon completion at the end of next year, the total quayside available at the specific part of the port will be 485m.

The quayside, together with the capital dredging programme that is in progress in the River Tay, will allow wind installation (WIV) or large semi-submersible vessels (HTV) to berth in the port.

Graham civil engineering division managing director Leo Martin said: “This will be our second project working in collaboration with Forth Ports, following our completion of Tilbury2 on the Thames.

“This is a fantastic scheme for GRAHAM to be working on and another opportunity to demonstrate our wide-ranging marine construction and civils capabilities.

“The offshore renewables construction facility at the Port of Dundee promises to bring significant benefits to both Dundee and indeed the whole of Scotland, both socially and economically, creating jobs and supporting the supply of low carbon electricity.”


Graham to construct new wharf alongside land upgrades in Port of Dundee. (Credit: GRAHAM Group)