African power company Globeleq and its project partners, Source Energia and Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) have commenced construction of the 19MWp (15MWac) Cuamba Solar PV plant and a 2MW (7MWh) energy storage system in Cuamba of Mozambique. 

This $32m project is expected will contribute to the government’s “Energy for All” strategy, that aims to have universal energy access by 2030.

Located in the Tetereane district of Cuamba city of Niassa province, the project is claimed to be the first IPP in the country to integrate a utility scale energy storage system.

The project also features an upgrade to the current Cuamba substation. Power will be sold through a 25-year power purchase agreement with EDM.

The project is expected to secure $19m of debt funding from the Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (EAIF), which is a member of the Private Infrastructure Development Group (PIDG).

Furthermore, the project will receive $7m as grant funding from PIDG’s Viability Gap Funding (VGF) grant facility and a $1m grant from CDC Plus to allow an affordable tariff and the energy storage system.

Globeleq chief development officer Jonathan Hoffman said: “This project is a trailblazer for future utility-scale energy storage in Mozambique and the region.  Cuamba Solar, along with all our energy projects we are working on, cements our ongoing commitment to contribute to the long-term energy security and development of the country on a low carbon pathway.”

Globeleq and Source Energia are also developing one of the first wind projects in Mozambique located near the town of Namaacha, 40km west of Maputo. 

The project will require around 100 workers during construction, several of which will be hired from the local community.

Spanish firm TSK has been appointed as the project EPC contractor.

Globeleq will be responsible for overseeing the construction and operations of the power facility, supported by Source Energia.


Image: This $32m project is expected will contribute to the government’s “Energy for All” strategy, that aims to have universal energy access by 2030. Credit: andreas160578 from Pixabay