Gagliarducci Construction has been awarded the early site package contract for the new Fort River Elementary School in Amherst, Massachusetts, US. 

The contract, valued at $2.248m, was awarded by town manager Paul Bockelman, following a bidding competition among seven companies. 

The awarded bid came in at $652,000 under the anticipated project cost of $2.90m.  

This saving is expected to provide additional contingency funds for other aspects of the project. 

Building Committee chair Cathy Schoen said: “We are excited after years working together to see the first phase of the school starting soon, with shovels in the ground.  

“The news that the bid from a highly recommended, skilled contractor is well below the estimated budget bodes well for the entire project and will provide added funds for contingency as we move forward.” 

The project is jointly funded by the Massachusetts School Building Authority and the Town of Amherst, following a debt exclusion override approved by voters in April 2023. 

The three-storey building will have a capacity of 575 students and will be a net-zero structure fully powered by renewable energy sources.  

The project also includes provisions for outdoor learning and play spaces. 

A second bid for the building construction is set for release in June this year, intending to complete the new elementary school in time for the September 2026 school year start.  

The project’s final phase, involving the demolition of the existing school and concluding site work, is scheduled for completion in 2026.