The Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority in the UK has granted planning consent for a portion of the 500MW Ireland-Wales Greenlink Interconnector.

The approval, which marks first of several consents required for the project to commence construction, is for a portion of the project’s onshore works in Wales.

The scope of onshore works in Wales includes underground cables and associated works from the Welsh landfall site at Freshwater West to the boundary with Pembrokeshire County Council.

Estimated to cost €400m ($456.6m), the Greenlink project is owned by Element Power, a part of Hudson Sustainable Investments, and Partners Group on behalf of its clients.

The project involves the construction of subsea and underground interconnector cables as well as associated converter stations, to link the existing electricity grids in Ireland and Great Britain.

Greenlink Interconnector, the developer of the 500MW interconnector between the UK and Ireland, submitted the marine planning applications in both Wales and Ireland in 2019. It is currently preparing the application for onshore works in Ireland.

Greenlink Interconnector CEO Nigel Beresford said: “From the outset we have placed the feedback received from all key stakeholders, including the local community, at the heart of our design decisions to ensure that the Greenlink interconnector is well designed and a good neighbour to the residents living near it.”

Additionally, separate planning applications have been filed with Pembrokeshire County Council for the onward installation of cables to the substation at Pembroke Power Station and to build a converter station.
Touted to be one of Europe’s most important energy infrastructure projects, the Greenlink project is expected to provide energy security, regional investment, jobs and the cost-effective integration of low carbon energy for the two countries.

The interconnector will provide a new grid connection between EirGrid’s Great Island substation in County Wexford (Ireland) and National Grid’s Pembroke substation in Pembrokeshire (Wales).

The Greenlink Interconnector project will connect the power grids of Ireland and the UK. (Credit: analogicus from Pixabay)