Eurus Energy Europe and its contractors have announced the commencement of construction of the Ariette battery project in the Netherlands.
Toyota Tsusho Europe and Eurus Energy are the joint developers and owners of this battery energy storage system (BESS). Eurus Energy Europe is a group company of Eurus Energy Holdings.
The storage system consists of a containerised facility with a capacity of 1MW and 2.5MWh.
Netherlands-based Alsema and Koninklijke Sjouke Dijkstra are the balance of plants contractors for this project while Freqcon is the battery manufacturer.
The BESS will share the location with Windpark Mondriaan, which is owned by Eurus Energy.
In 2021, Windpark Mondriaan started commercial operations with an overall installed capacity of 38.7MW, located in the Dutch province of Groningen.
The BESS ensures maximum use of the current facilities by sharing a grid connection with the wind farm. It will be used to deliver several services to grid operators, as well as to manage energy imbalances in the power system.
The system is scheduled to become operational in the second quarter of next year.
Last month, Eurus Energy announced the completion of a BESS at the Eurus Tashirotai Wind Farm in Japan. This facility has a total capacity of 7.65MW.
The Eurus Tashirotai Wind Farm project is jointly developed by Tokyo Electric Power Holdings and Toyota Motor.