Enel Green Power, a subsidiary of Italian energy firm Enel, has begun construction on two renewable energy projects in Spain, with a total capacity of 71.3MW.

The two projects, which will entail an investment of €48.2m, include one solar and one wind farm, which will be located in the Andalusia and the Aragon regions of the country.

First is the 50MW Los Naranjos solar plant, which is located in the town of Carmona, Seville province. To be completed by the end of this year, the solar plant is being built with an investment of €28.2m.

The Los Naranjos plant will be powered by 128,520 solar panels and will include nine switching stations, an electric substation along with an underground cable network spanning 4.5km.

Once operational, the solar plant is expected to generate about 100GWh of clean energy, while avoiding nearly 67,000 tons of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere every year.

The second project is the 21.3MW Los Gigantes wind farm, located in the towns of Blesa and Moyuela in the Teruel and Zaragoza provinces.

The wind farm, which will entail an investment of €20m, will be powered by six of 3.55MW turbines. Once operational, the wind farm could generate about 62GWh of clean energy while helping to avoid nearly 41,000 tons of CO2 emissions, annually.

The Italian company stated that the two plants will be built under the ‘Sustainable Construction Site’ model.

As per the model, it will use solar panels to meet the energy demands during the construction works and water-saving measures by installing deposits and rain collection systems.

Upon completion of the works, the solar panels and the water-saving equipment will be donated to the local community for public use.

The two projects in Spain are part of the company’s strategy to fully decarbonise its energy generation mix by 2050. They are also part of its strategic plan to achieve 10.2GW of installed renewable capacity by 2022.


The two projects are part of Enel’s strategy to fully decarbonise its energy generation mix by 2050. (Credit: Enel Spa.)