The Webuild-led consortium, alongside Fincantieri Infrastructure Opere Marittime, FINCOSIT, and Sidra, has provided an update on the construction progress of the New Genoa Breakwater project.

The first 850 submerged columns of the New Genoa Breakwater development are currently under construction, with 370,000 tonnes (t) of gravel placed on the seabed.

Work on the block of columns for the second test camp will commence by the end of this month.

To lay this amount of material on the seabed, approximately 220 crossings between Genoa and Piombino were required to deliver, on average, 3,000tpd of gravel. By deploying more ships, the aim is now to lay 170,000t of material every month.

Production will be enhanced from this week, with the addition of a second ship, which has a 40,000t capacity, will arrive from Spain every 15 days.

Additionally, efforts are still being made to find any ordnances on the seabed that may be hidden 50m down. These procedures began in late July.

The project now employs 1,000 people and works with more than 80 supply chain businesses.

The Western Ligurian Seaport System Authority commissioned this project.

The Italian government supports this breakwater project with resources from its National Recovery and Resilience Plan supplementary fund.

It will improve the maritime accessibility of Genoa’s port while also establishing the city port system’s strategic role within the Rhine-Alpine corridor of the TEN-T Trans-European network, which runs from Genoa to Rotterdam.

The corridor also includes the Terzo Valico dei Giovi – Genova Junction project, which is also being developed by Webuild.

The New Genoa Breakwater development will be 6,200m long in its final design, replacing the old structure in its entirety and protecting the port from sea waves.