AXA IM – Real Assets has selected Strabag’s Züblin as the general contractor for its new building, MARK München, in Munich, Germany.
Züblin said that the project is in full swing. After the recently completed ground and civil engineering works, building construction is now pending.
The office building on the former Tengelmann site at Landsberger Straße will be completed by July 2022.
AXA IM – Real Assets had awarded the contract to Züblin, based on the design by KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten. The project is being developed under Züblin’s team concept partnering scheme.
The project was developed together with FOM Real Estate (Heidelberg) as the development partner of the owners. The WITTE Projektmanagement has accompanied the project from the beginning as the project manager and was involved in the conclusion of the partnering agreement at an early stage.
The turnkey construction of the office complex will include up to eight floors and two basement levels, including underground parking with nearly 550 spaces along with outdoor facilities. The outdoor facilities also include three green courtyards and an attractively designed square in the entrance area.
In addition to about 50,000m² of office space, the project includes conference areas and company catering on the ground floor. The new building will offer a gross floor area of about 72,000m² with enough space for about 2,000 office workplaces.
Züblin had already completed the demolition and earthworks along with the construction of the excavation pit on the 14,000m² site.
Züblin chief site manager Cristian Manocchio said: “We are happy to be carrying out MARK München together with the project partners under our teamconcept partnering model. Our teamconcept has already proven itself in a large number of projects and we see it as a guarantee for satisfied customers.”
The construction company also stated that it has ensured that the MARK München project is in-time and on-budget, through early involvement and contractually regulated collaboration from all the participants.
Artist’s rendering of MARK München office building. (Credit: KSP Jürgen Engel Architekten.)