The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $126m financing to the Filipino water regulator Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS) to improve the water supply network in the country.

The loan will be used by MWSS to fund the construction of the Angat Water Transmission Improvement Project, which aims to help provide secure water supply for Metro Manila’s nearly 13 million residents.

ADB Southeast Asia Department Urban Development and Water Division director Vijay Padmanabhan said: “Climate change is making annual rainfall unpredictable, putting tremendous pressure on water resource use.

“The Philippine government is increasing investments in clean infrastructure for environmentally sustainable water resource management across the country. Through this project, ADB is helping the Philippines secure Metro Manila’s water supply.”

The Angat Water Transmission Improvement Project involves the construction of a 15km water transmission pipeline to strengthen the water system’s downstream transmission capacity.
The project forms part of MWSS’s efforts to rehabilitate the Umiray–Angat–Ipo dam system, which accounts for about 90% of Metro Manila’s water supply.

In addition to reducing the risk of a system breakdown, the water transmission pipeline is expected to increase the system’s water transfer capacity to 66 cubic meters per second (m3/sec) by 2025, from 50m3/sec in 2019.

ADB said that the new loan will supplement the ADB financing to MWSS that was, approved in 2016 to fund the construction of a 6.3km earthquake-resilient upstream water tunnel.

Additionally, the new project will feature advanced technology to help it withstand magnitude of 7.2 earthquakes and reduce the risk of a system breakdown. It will also increase the water supply resiliency.

Philippine is seeking to secure water supply in Metro Manila. (Credit: Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System/Asian Development Bank)