Spanish infrastructure solutions company Acciona and its partner Saudi Arabia’s RTCC have been awarded a contract by Saudi publicly-owned company Saline Water Conversion (SWCC) for the construction of the $500m Al Khobar 2 desalination plant.

The Al Khobar 2 desalination plant, which is planned to be built at Khobar, on the east coast of Saudi Arabia around 400km from Riyadh, is expected to provide services to three million people.

Featuring reverse osmosis technology, the facility will have a daily capacity of more than 600,000m³, making it one of the biggest of its kind in the country.

In 2019, Acciona was awarded €750m contract by Saudi Arabia’s state-owned Water and Electricity Company (WEC) to finance, design, and construct the Shuqaiq3 desalination plant.

Acciona and its consortium partners Marubeni, Abdul Latif Jameel-CDC and Rawafid Alhadarah Holding are also responsible for the 25-year operation and maintenance of the Shuqaiq3 desalination plant, which is built in the south-west of the country on the Red Sea coast.

Scheduled for completion in 2021, the Shuqaiq3 desalination plant will have a treatment capacity of 450,000m³ per day, and provide service to a population equivalent of two million. It will also feature a photovoltaic plant to reduce internal energy consumption.

Acciona, under a contract that was signed in July 2018, will also build and commission the €200m Al Khobar 1 desalination plant with a treatment capacity of 210,000m³ per day.

Earlier, the Spanish firm built the Al Jubail RO4 seawater desalination plant for the Saudi Arabia utility firm Marafiq. The plant with a capacity of 100,000m³ per day serves both the city and the nearby industrial complex.

Acciona will build another desalination plant in Saudi Arabia. (Credit: ACCIONA)