Using research from GlobalData’s Influencer platform, Designbuild Network has named ten of the most influential people in digital construction on Twitter during Q2 2020.
Biggest influencers in digital construction: The top ten in Q2 2020
1. David Barco (@qbimgest)
David Barco is an architect and technologist currently serving as the chief technology officer of Berrilan BIM, a construction company. A digital leader who helps analyse technology trends, he is specialises in training and consulting in building information management (BIM). Barco is also a podcaster for Shared Coordinates, which focuses on new technologies in architecture, engineering, and construction.
Twitter followers: 47,285
GlobalData influencer score: 100
Seguimos preparando el lanzamiento de @_Gestproject 2020 con el nuevo #EcosistemadeConocimento #BIM y conexiones con #PowerBI, con @AutodeskRevit vía @DynamoBIM , @MicrosoftES #Excel , Microsoft Query #ODBC@BimChannel @SCoordinates @buticSchool pic.twitter.com/DheZHCsxz2
— David Barco (@qbimgest) June 21, 2020
2. Ralph Montague (@ralph_arcdox)
Ralph Montague is a registered architect specialising in BIM, design, project management, business development of projects. He is the co-founder and director of ArcDox, a specialist consultancy providing services to the construction industry. He is also a member of several industry groups promoting digital in design, construction, and operations.
Twitter followers: 5,517
GlobalData influencer score: 85
"The Value of Information", and therefore the "value of information management", and those who are willing to manage, or coordinate #BIM. https://t.co/zqZ4Qm36Kq
— Ralph Montague (@ralph_arcdox) June 8, 2020
3. Paul Alexander Brown (@BIMCAEIcepick)
Paul Alexander Brown is a BIM consultant. He specialises in areas such as design management, assurance, aesthetics, architecture, utilities, and geographic information system (GIS), among others. He currently serves as a design consultant and director at Groomlake Design. He has been a trainer for top companies such as Bentley, Trimble, Dassault Systèmes, Adobe, and more.
Twitter followers: 8,114
GlobalData influencer score: 84
Could virtual reality change how designers work? #VR #Design https://t.co/BDIdRAyjLw
— Paul Alexander Brown (@BIMCAEIcepick) May 28, 2020
4. Javier Alonso Madrid (@javieralonsomad)
Javier Alonso Madrid is a BIM architect and technologist currently serving as project manager of Autónomo that handles architectural projects. His specialties include project management, urban planning, and research and development, among others. He is also the CEO of the architecture and planning firms, ATANGA and TOUNGA.
Twitter followers: 3,494
GlobalData influencer score: 81
Working on our photogrammetry workflow from drones to 3D meshes with geo-referenced #3dscan point clouds and #GIS + #BIM models @ATANGAbim
Trabajando en nuestro flujo de trabajo de fotogrametría desde drones a mallas 3D…https://t.co/r5kR6dSrqk— Javier Alonso Madrid (@javieralonsomad) June 17, 2020
5. Ignasi Perez Arnal (@iperezarnal)
Ignasi Perez Arnal is a BIM consultant specialising in sustainable urban planning and industrialised architecture and construction. He currently serves as congress director at REBUILD, a construction company, and is the founder and partner at the professional training and coaching firm BIM Academy in Spain. He also co-created architecture and planning firm Crea.HOUSE and the congressional European BIM Summit.
Twitter followers: 5,797
GlobalData influencer score: 75
BIM×"Hospitals, BIM vs COVID-19
"Perspectiva", l'arquitectura a Catalunya Ràdio 18/05/2020 – Perspectiva https://t.co/uKG5ZDag6q
— Ignasi Pérez Arnal (@iperezarnal) May 18, 2020
6. Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul)
Paul Wilkinson is a technology consultant currently serving as the managing director of PWcom.co.uk Limited, a public relations and communications firm. His specialties include research and analysis on SaaS construction collaborative technologies and B2B work for UK’s architectural, engineering and construction industry.
Twitter followers: 14,098
GlobalData influencer score: 71
Also on @BIM_plus: Tackling the BIM blockers – the three levers we have to pull https://t.co/uGLPB98fHr – by @theNBS's Richard Watershouse @rpwaterhouse (plus some interesting comments)
— Paul Wilkinson (@EEPaul) June 16, 2020
7. Rebecca De Cicco (@becdecicco)
Rebecca De Cicco is a BIM consultant currently serving as director and manager of Digital Node, a BIM and digital consultancy firm. Her specialties include digital construction, project management, and digital engineering. She has also been associate director for architecture and planning firms including David Miller Architects and the KSS Design Group.
Twitter followers: 6,509
GlobalData influencer score: 69
Delighted to have been selected as a @WomeninBIM mentor,which aims to address issues of #diversity in the #BIM sector, but also to tackle the associated growing #skillsshortage. Looking forward to sharing my skills& helping encourage the #nextgeneration #STEM #WomeninArchitecture pic.twitter.com/493pXG9No2
— Mairead Morgan (Nee Gallagher) (@Maireadge) June 27, 2020
8. Su Butcher (@SuButcher)
Su Butcher is a marketing consultant currently serving as director of her consultancy company Just Practising Limited, which offers consultancy services to architects and construction companies. She specialises in delivering digital and social media strategies for construction companies. She has also chaired non-profits such as the UK BIM Alliance that mobilises the BIM ecosystem.
Twitter followers: 23,462
GlobalData influencer score: 67
Currently #BIM is seen as separate from the 'normal' practice of looking after the built environment. (Image @DesigningB. To make BIM 'Business as Usual' is the ultimate aim of @UKBIMAlliance so everyone can benefit. #AllianceForum pic.twitter.com/cVvyg0Uvw0
— Su Butcher 💚 (@SuButcher) June 30, 2020
9. Duncan Reed (@djhreed67)
Duncan Reed is a BIM consultant currently serving as digital construction process manager at Trimble, an electrical and electronic manufacturing company. He specialises in driving digital transformation strategies for construction companies with the help of Trimble products such as TEKLA, SKETCHUP, VIEWPOINT, and more. He is also the chair of thinkBIM, a collaborative exchange network within the construction industry backed by the Leeds Beckett University.
Twitter followers: 3,888
GlobalData influencer score: 65
Useful image from @BSI_UK outlining the links between #BIM & the wider standards landscape #ISO19650 @UKBIMA_South pic.twitter.com/zaCiKYKUHo
— Duncan Reed (@djhreed67) May 13, 2020
10. David Philp (@ThePhilpster)
David Philp is a BIM consultant currently serving as the director of BIM for EMEA at AECOM, an infrastructure consulting firm. He is also the head of BIM at the UK BIM Task Group, a government funded task group established to promote the use of BIM in the construction industry. David has previously served as head of BIM at Mace Group, a consultancy and construction company.
Twitter followers: 11,253
GlobalData influencer score: 63