The Australian and Queensland governments have given their nods for the construction of the A$230m ($167.3m) Townsville Ring Road – stage 5, part of A$1.5bn ($1.09bn) commitment to developing roads in North Queensland, creating 1,400 jobs.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said that the regional road upgrades such as the A$1.5bn project are part of the Queensland Government’s A$50bn ($36.4bn) plan to invest in large infrastructure projects to create jobs in the region.

Being funded jointly by the Australian Government with a commitment of A$184m ($133.8m) and the Queensland Government committing A$46m ($33.5m), construction on the ring road is expected to begin by the middle of 2021 and could be completed in early 2023.

A consortium of Georgiou AECOM had won the design and build contract for the Townsville Ring Road Stage 5 project.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack said: “The Townsville Northern Access Intersections Upgrade project will duplicate 5.2 kilometres of the Bruce Highway, including a new bridge over Black River, while the Stage 5 project will complete the four-laning of the 22-kilometre Townsville Ring Road.

“These projects are part of our $100 billion, 10-year infrastructure pipeline which will support our economy by creating jobs in North Queensland as we recover from Covid-19.”

Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads Mark Bailey said that the multi-billion-dollar pipeline of road projects in Townsville can create jobs, increase safe driving and accommodate the region’s expanding freight and business community.

Bailey said: “We’re building the $514.3 million Bruce Highway upgrade through Haughton River, creating over 540 jobs, the biggest ever overhaul of Northern Australia’s largest port creating 125 jobs, and now we’re securing more jobs and improved safety with the next tranche of road upgrades in North Queensland.”


Queensland Government approves ring road project in Townsville. (Credit: Pixabay/ArtTower.)