Granite and Borderland Construction, through their joint venture Downtown Links Constructors, have secured a $26m Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract for the Downtown Links Phase III project from the City of Tucson.
Downtown Links is an improvement project funded by the Regional Transportation Authority and partnered with the Tucson Department of Transportation. The project will provide enhancements, benefits and connections for pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists.
Under the CMAR contract, the construction manager will act as an agent of the owner in both design and construction phases to offer value engineering, cost estimating and construction expertise in completing the project, with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP).
Granite regional vice president Todd Hill said: “We are proud to have been selected for this CMAR to work with the City of Tucson during preconstruction services to deliver this final phase of Downtown Links for our community.
“The project has been in development for well over 20 years and Granite, as part of this joint venture, is excited to begin construction of this long-awaited link to Interstate 10 (I-10).”
Under the Phase III of the project, Barraza-Aviation Parkway and Broadway Blvd to 6th Street will be connected in Tuscan, offering an alternate route around the downtown core to Interstate 10.
In this phase, a 1.3-mile new four-lane road north of the train tracks, improved drainage, bike lanes, multi-use paths, new bridges, public art in the surrounding neighbourhoods will be built.
The joint venture team will also be responsible for the construction of a new railroad underpass, 9th Avenue deck plaza. The project also aims to eliminate one of the most hazardous railroad crossings in the state and end train-related delays on St. Mary’s Road.
Construction is expected to begin in this month and is expected to be completed in January 2023.
Granite’s Swan Road Facility will supply the materials needed for the project.
Granite undertaking construction work on prior Downtown Links phases in Tucson. (Credit: Downtown Links.)