A consortium of Vinci and Graham has secured a €183m contract from the Canadian Province of Alberta’s Ministry of Transportation to build the final section of the West Calgary Ring Road project.

The contract to Calgary Safelink Partners consortium, in which Vinci has a 65% stake and Graham has the remaining 35% stake, comprises of the design and construction of the southern segment of the ring road.

Under the contract, the consortium will design and construct the Highway 8 to Old Banff Coach Road Segment of the project to complete the ring road.

The scope of the work will include the construction of 5km of road infrastructure encompassing four interchanges, seven bridges and a tunnel for pedestrians and the work will include earthworks, drainage, paving and public lighting.

Preliminary works on the project will begin this summer and the majority of the construction is expected to begin in the spring of next year.

Upon completion of the final section of the road in 2024, the West Calgary Ring Road, located between Highway 8 and the Trans-Canada Highway, is expected to provide more than 100km of free-flow travel around the city and on to the rest of the country. The West Calgary Ring Road is being completed in three phases.

Graham infrastructure general manager Tom Cole said: “The key to these complex roadway projects is pulling professional people together who enjoy delivering infrastructure projects as one unified team.

“With all the challenges faced from project kick off, through design, construction, and right up to the final product handover, people work with people to achieve great things. Our team is excited to be part of connecting the final portion of the Calgary Ring Road.”

Vinci will be involved in the project through its subsidiaries Carmacks and Vinci Construction Terrassement.


Construction of Bow River Bridge. (Credit: West Calgary Ring Road.)