Stantec has been appointed as the primary designer for a new forensic psychiatric facility at the Southeast Psychiatric Treatment Center, located at Norristown State Hospital in the US.

The company has been tasked with providing architectural, interior design, mechanical and electrical engineering, energy modelling, technology services, and more. 

It has partnered with architecture+, a forensic mental health design company, for this project. 

The initial phase of the project will introduce 270 single-occupant beds, with plans to expand the facility’s capacity to a total of 420 beds. 

The current site includes two psychiatric inpatient buildings.

Prior to the commencement of the new construction, an unused hospital structure will be demolished.  

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The existing forensic hospital will continue to operate until the completion of the new facility, after which it will be decommissioned. 

The new facility is designed to cater to individuals within the judicial system requiring psychiatric evaluation or treatment.  

It will also feature a medical unit to manage the intersection of behavioural and physical health issues.

It intends to provide a modern standard for forensic psychiatric care and reduce patient wait times for hospital admission. 

Stantec behavioural health planner Jon Sell said: “We are focused on delivering a secure and stigma-reducing facility that will offer expanded forensic psychiatric treatment for patients from across eastern Pennsylvania. 

“Our trauma-informed and dignity-driven design principles exceed modern standards for psychiatric treatment with a goal of reducing patient admission wait times, making a more comforting experience.” 

Earlier this month, Stantec was chosen for the Metropolis at Metrotown redevelopment project in Canada.