Tellon Capital has selected RED Construction Group to undertake an office development project, with a gross development value of £200m ($252.96m), in Westminster, England, UK.  

RED Construction Group will commence the project, named 40 Broadway, as part of the broader redevelopment, according to Tellon Capital’s LinkedIn post

The London division of RED Construction Group will be responsible for delivering the scheme. 

Work is scheduled to begin in mid-2024 and is expected to be completed by the fourth quarter (Q4) of 2025. 

Tellon Capital founder James Burchell said: “We are pleased to announce the appointment of RED Construction Group for 40 Broadway, allowing us to commence construction of this landmark new building for Westminster.   

“We are thrilled to be delivering a high-quality office development that sets an example for a high-performing building whilst considering the sensitive local context. This is a really exciting project, breathing new life into Westminster.” 

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The 40 Broadway project will provide 130,000ft² of Grade A office space from the basement to the eighth floor.  

Additionally, the development will feature a ground-floor café, multiple roof terraces, and a communal roof terrace. 

The project involves the erection of a steel frame structure extending from the ground to the eighth floor.  

It will also include a natural stone facade on the Broadway elevation and full-length feature windows that project outward. 

The design of the building is intended to harmonise with the adjacent Grade II listed buildings.  

The rear of the new building will feature traditional brickwork and a metal-clad mansard roof starting from the fifth floor, extending to the top of the structure. 

Upon completion, the 40 Broadway scheme aims to achieve WELL Platinum and Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method Excellent certifications. 

In 2021, RED Construction secured a contract from Hines for a mixed-use retail and office project in London’s West End.