AXA IM Alts has selected Multiplex to start the construction on the Fifty Fenchurch Street development in London, England, UK. 

The 650,000ft² workplace development is expected to become one of the UK’s lowest-carbon and most biodiverse high-rise towers.  

Situated on an acre of land, Fifty Fenchurch is located on the southern edge of the city’s tower cluster.  

The announcement follows the completion of enabling works by Keltbray, which will continue with piling and excavation. 

AXA IM Alts, in partnership with YardNine as the development delivery partner, has assembled a team incorporating Eric Parry Architects and Adamson Associates, with Arup leading the engineering design.  

Construction of the 36-storey building is scheduled to begin in mid-2024, with completion expected in 2028.  

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AXA IM Alts UK Development head Rob Samuel said: “Commencing construction with Multiplex marks a significant milestone in the realisation of what we believe is a one-of-a-kind development in the City of London.  

“In addition to helping satisfy the significant demand for the first-class and sustainable office accommodation that is a must-have for occupiers, Fifty Fenchurch will bring extensive urban greening and landscaped gardens to the Square Mile.” 

The building will feature smart technology, purposeful design, and flexible floorplates. 

Fifty Fenchurch Street will also have more than 40 occupier terraces. 

The development plans to integrate the Medieval Tower of All Hallows Staining and Lambe’s Chapel Crypt into the public realm, alongside a new Livery Hall for The Clothworkers’ Company.  

Prioritising decarbonisation, the building aims for Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) Outstanding certification and net-zero operation. 

In 2022, Multiplex announced the completion of AMP Capital’s 50-storey Quay Quarter Tower in Sydney, Australia.